Ausdauerprufung – AD Endurance Test
Posted on: Sunday, October 22nd, 2017
Date: 22nd October 2017
Location: Weston Park Shropshire
Hosted by: Walsall IPO BAGSD
Judge: Lene Carlson (SV)
The AD is a test of physical fitness and stamina consisting of a 20km run along a bicycle.
The Test
The dog is to trot next to the handler, who is riding on a bicycle, for a total of 12.5miles (20 km). The test contains a 15minute rest period at the 5mile (8 km) mark and another 15minute break when the dog has completed 9.4 miles (15 km). During the rest periods, the judge checks the dog for tender or worn pads, overall fatigue or poor condition. The judge dismisses any dog that is not fit to continue. After completing the full distance, there is a 20minute rest period followed by a short obedience routine.
It is important to prepare the dog for this test by gradually building up distance over the course of several weeks. This is to eliminate any unnecessary Injury.
I had a great day today with Angie and Brother and Sister duo, Zeek and Aria. Although we had trained together prior to the test we didn’t really have a particular strategy, only that of completing the test in one piece. We instantly took up the position in the front of the pack and settled in to a nice trot.
A few circuits and breaks later, we had completed the 20km, now for the obedience. After some fancy heelwork, we were congratulated by Lene Carlson, shaking hands and receiving our scorebooks and certificates, yay! we had passed with flying colours.
Congratulations to Lucy with Vonloi Aria and Angie with Vonloi Amigo mit Anchaz (aka Zeek) on passing the AD test today.
Here are a few photos of the day.
by Lucy